MiniCAD Screenshots
I've created 2 screenshots to show some of the things it can do.
First is this one, which is a model ship I came up with. The reading in of information is done via a straight-text file, which contains the number of faces, and each face with a number of vertices assigned to that face--basically it's all read in through a series of loops and the "number of whatevers" is how many iterations of the loop there are. After constructing this text file from scratch, I realized there had to be a better way to get the job done...
Second is this one, which shows some of the primitives that can be drawn. Cones come in two flavors: regular and shorn-off. The information required for both are similar--there is a radius for the base and for the apex. If the apex radius is 0 then it's drawn as normal. I needed cones for things like gun muzzles or thrusters.
Cylinders are basically a simpler version of a cone in that only 1 radius is required.
Torii are the more complex primitives, and I'd planned on using these for fancying up things like turbines, engines and gun barrels.
All of these primitives can be simplified by just limiting how many "faces" are drawn. Part of the data required for creating one of these is how many "sides" or "steps" are desired. The higher the number the smoother the model looks, but the more information and memory are consumed upon creation, and the more it bogs down the rendering speed. This should give a user more flexibility to choose between performance and presentation.
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